Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Class 1 - Tiny Green Thumbs

To care for nature and to enhance lots of skills, we did some flower planting. We gathered our materials and started; first, we put on gloves to make sure our hands did not get dirty. Second, with the help from our teacher, we put some soil into our little cups. Third, we planted the seeds. Fourth, we added more soil. Finally, we added water and put it where the sunlight is as it serves as the food for the plant. 

This will be a week by week observation. We were very happy that we got to plant, learn and observe how plants grow and how it helps the environment. We are excited for next week! What will they look like, and how will everything turn out? Stay tuned! 

Elect 1.3 peer group entry skills, 1.4 helping skills, 1.5 interacting positively and respectfully, 1.6 cooperating, 1.9 interacting with adults, 3.4 conversing with peers and adults, 4.4 questioning, 4.5 observation, 4.6 collecting and organizing information

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